ECOF 14 - Genova - Italy, EU
June 29 - July 2 2015

ECOF 14 welcomes companies that want to participate to the conference and present their latest scientific equipments or products. It will be also possible to distribute advertising materials.
Option A: (including 1 delegate fee)
Booth space of approx. 6m² (including tables, chairs, power)
Company logo displayed on ECOF14 website
Company logo displayed at ECOF14 reception desk
1 piece of advertising of your choice included in delegate pack.
1 page of advertising in the book of Abstracts ( electronic file)
Discount on additional registrations ( € 300.- each)
Option B:
Company logo displayed on ECOF14 website
Company logo displayed at ECOF14 reception desk
1 piece of advertising of your choice included in delegate pack.
1 page of advertising in the book of Abstracts ( electronic file)
Option C:
1 piece of advertising of your choice included in delegate pack.
1 page of advertising in the book of Abstracts (electronic file)
Please contact the organizers for further information.
© CNISM | Via della Vasca Navale, 84 - 00146 Roma | Tel: +39 06 57337047 Fax: +39 06 57337311 | cnism@fis.uniroma3.it | Partita Iva : 08971211001; C.F. 97368190589