ECOF 14 - Genova - Italy, EU
June 29 - July 2 2015

The 14th European Conference on Organised Films follows a successful series of meetings focusing on the structural and functional properties of organised thin organic films. Previous conferences were held in Munich (1986), Paris (1988), Mainz (1990), Bangor (1992), Smolenice (1994) , Sheffield (1996), Potsdam (1998), Otranto (2001), Valladolid (2004), Riga (2006), Potsdam (2008), Sheffield (2011) and Cork (2013). ECOF14 will take place in Genova, a lively city in the noth-west of Italy, rich of history and art treasures, at the center of the arch of the italian Riviera.
ECOF14 provides an ideal multidisciplinary forum for the discussion of the latest developments in the area of thin and ultrathin organic films, novel hybrid organic/inorganic structures and the related nanoscience and nanotechnology aspects. Aiming at promoting cross-fertilization of fundamental and applied research, ECOF14 will offer stimulating opportunities for exchanging new ideas and the building up of new synergies.
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