

Certificate of participation (generic)

Certificate of participation for contributors

Certificate of participation for inviteds peakers


The FisMat round table

Is scheduled on wednesday october 4, at 14:30

in the Budinich room locatd in the entrance hall of the Leonardo Building. The presentations (in english) and the following discussion (in italian) will be focused on the large scale research infrastructures. At the round table will be present

Maria Cristina Messa

Rector of the Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca and italian representative in the Horizon 2020 committee for research infrastuctures. The round table, that will be held in italian, will be preceded by these scientific presentations:

Giorgio Paolucci: (Elettra - SESAME): "SESAME: an opportunity for science in middle east"

Claudio Masciovecchio: (Elettra - Fermi): "Frontier research at FERMI"

Franco Zanini: (Elettra): "Large scale infrastructures and the protection of the cultural heritage"

Luca Serafini: "STAR and the other European Compton user facilities"


Campus map here




Instructions for contributors (talk duration, poster sessions, ...)

Detailed program and Registration

!!! now available !!!

(Participants to the SILS/SISN conferences are kindly requested to send a mail to submission.fismat2017@cnism.it in order to benefit of the reduced fee)

ICTP residences reservation procedure

Instructions for contributors (talk duration, poster sessions, ...)