Transportation and accomodation

Before you start

Before you embark on your journey, if you are arriving from a foreign country, please familiarize yourself with the Italian rules concerning visas. You can find all the necessary information here: Italian Visa Rules


Transportation in Milan is convenient and efficient, making it easy to move around both within the city and throughout the metropolitan area. Below are some useful links for transportation services:

Walking tours from building to building

We've got you covered when it comes to getting around our buildings! We've recorded some awesome first-person videos to help you find the best routes to take. So, no worries about getting lost, just follow these videos and you'll be navigating like a pro in no time!

  • Walking route 2: from Teatro Leonardo to Fisica (Google maps directions)
  • Teatro Leonardo

  • Walking route 3: from Fisica to Building 26 (Google maps directions)
  • Fisica
    Building 26

  • Walking route 4: from Building 26 to CIDiS (Google maps directions)
  • Building 26

  • Walking route 5: from CIDiS to Building 25 (Google maps directions)
  • CIDiS
    Building 25



    Regarding accommodation, Milan offers a plethora of options to suit every preference. While no special rates have been negotiated, you can easily find a suitable place to stay using popular search engines available on the web.

    We recommend booking your accommodation well in advance, as Milan is a beloved tourist destination and hosts numerous major events throughout the year.

    We look forward to your arrival and wish you a wonderful stay in the vibrant city of Milan!