Tematic Workshop

Proposer Title
Biophysics and medical applications of physics
Stefania Abbruzzetti Biophysics@SIBPA: from molecules to nanostructures for health and life
Andrea Candini Nanomaterials and quantum technologies at the interface with biological studies
Michael Di Gioacchino Multi-Analytical Spectroscopy and Imaging Approaches in Precision Diagnostics
Claudia Fasolato Chirality at bio- and nano-interfaces
Mauro Manno Biological physics at the nano and mesoscale: from molecules to living cells
Emilio Mariotti ISOL technique for the production of medical radionuclides
Gaetano Scamarcio Biofunctionalized material interfaces
Experimental techniques
Milena Majkić Roadmap for Tailoring Material Morphology Using State-of-the-Art Ion Techniques: Theories, Experiments, and Simulations
Giuseppe Nicotra Emerging Trends and Future Directions in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science
Francesco Offi Electronic properties of technologically relevant materials investigated by XAS/XES and HAXPES
Francesco Rossella Iontronics
Fundamental Condensed Matter
Roberta Angelini Rheology of Complex Fluids: Bridging Theory, Experiments, and Applications
Giovanni Caldarelli Ions in motion: innovative models for heat and charge transport in insulators
Matteo Carrega Anyons: from quantum Hall to superconducting nanostructures towards topological platforms
Emanuele Dalla Torre Simulating Strongly Correlated Physics with Quantum Computers
Martina Dell'Angela Dynamical Processes in Open-Shell Organic Systems: from molecular design to condensed matter spectroscopy
Marco Moretti Spin-Orbit Entangled Quantum Matter
Ivana Vobornik New Light for Quantum Materials (NelQMat)
Low dimensional materials
Cinzia Di Giorgio Unlocking New Frontiers: Emerging Material Properties at Low Dimensions
Marco Di Giovannantonio On-Surface Synthesis of Low-dimensional Carbon-based Nanomaterials
Carlo Grazianetti 2D Materials Heterostructures: Growth, Characterization, and Devices
Roberto Gunnella Borophene synthesis and applications
Silvio Osella Functionalized low-dimensional materials and interfaces
Alberto Zobelli 2D Heterostructures: electronic structure and spectroscopic response, from theory to experiment
Alberto Brambilla Emerging magnetic properties in hybrid interfaces
Riccardo Comin Altermagnetism: A New Frontier in Condensed Matter Physics
Elena Garlatti Molecular spins for Spintronics and Quantum Technologies
Cecilia Granados-Miralles Advances on Permanent Magnets for Sustainable Solutions: Towards the European Green Deal
Michaela Kuepferling Measuring and modeling spintronic devices
Luca Chirolli Novel schemes for quantum superconducting hardware
Giuseppe Falci Superconducting Quantum Technologies
Claudio Giannetti Taming the interplay of spin and charge in unconventional superconductors
Giulia Serrano Interplay between Spins and Superconductors: From Fundamental Phenomena to Quantum Applications
Surfaces and Interfaces
Gianlorenzo Bussetti Unveiling the Solid-Liquid Interface: Microscopic and Spectroscopic Insights
Alberto Calloni X-ray Spectroscopy Investigation of organic/inorganic interfaces
Mattia Cattelan Operando Characterization of Catalysts: Advancing Understanding of Catalytic Processes
Statistical physics
Paolo Biscari Lattice models at the time of Machine Learning: a new paradigm in modern days statistica physics?
Angelo Rosa Novel views on statistical physics of polymer conformations and dynamics: phase segregation and topology
Fabio Taddei Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and thermoelectricity in quantum systems
Igor Yurkevich Phase transitions in disordered low-dimensional systems.
Energy conversion
Matteo Acciai Quantum energetics and resource theories
Francesco d'Acapito Operando X-ray Spectroscopies for energy conversion and storage
Paola D'Angelo Materials and systems for clean and sustainable energy by XFEL methods
Denise Perrone The interplay between cross-scale energy conversion and phase-space complexity in space and laboratory plasmas
Ultrafast physics
Filippo Bencivenga From ultrafast magnetism to quantum materials: new insights with new instruments
Elisabetta Collini Multidimensional electronic spectroscopies and ultrafast quantum nano-optics
Riccardo Cucini Ultrafast spectroscopy at the nanoscale
Paolo Maioli Ultrafast mechanical and thermal dynamics
Mattia Udina New Frontiers in Ultrafast Terahertz Spectroscopy
Other topics
Clodomiro Cafolla Friction and lubrication. Unravelling their mechanisms at different length and time scales
Giuliano Chiriacò Light-matter systems: from dissipative to collective effects
Emanuele Coccia Chirality in high harmonic generation and photoelectron spectroscopy
Anna Galli Measuring the past: the role of the Physics of matter in the field of Cultural Heritage
Jan Hostaša Advanced Materials for Optics and Photonics
Luca Lepori Quantum metrology and sensing with atoms, photons, and molecules
Silvia Maria Pietralunga Towards quantum-scale devices: probing semiconductors at the nanoscale by micro- and nano- spectroscopies
Lino Reggiani Does fine structure constant be a transcendental number ??
Barbara Rossi Water: facts and concepts
Alexandros Sarantopoulos Heat management for electronics and novel computing paradigms