Conference program

Abstract submission is now open and will last until the end of March

The conference program will be defined and made public in April

The conference sessions will comprise both thematic workshop on specific arguments and general sessions

Here the list of the thematic workshop

The general sessions will cover the following topics

Atomic and molecular physics


Medical applications

Complex systems

Machine learning

Strongly correlated electron systems

Structure and dynamics of solids

Theory advances in condensed matter

Carbon based materials

Other low dimensional materials

Magnetic materials and spintronic

Synthesis and characterization of materials

Computational methods for materials design


Functional oxides

Nanophotonics and metamaterials

Quantum optics

Ultrafast phenomena

Light-matter interaction

Quantum computation

Soft and glassy and liquid matter

Superconductivity materials and phenomena

Surfaces and interfaces

Large scale facilities for condensed matter

Cultural heritage

Plasma physics