Plenary Sessions
Prof. Albert Fert will not be able to attend the conference and will be substituted by Prof. Carlo Di Castro with a talk entitled:
"Charge order and its role in the physics of cuprates"
Talks moved to a different session
Monday October 2
Room Kastler: Javier Fernandez-Castanon-> Room SISSA B (October 4th)
Room SISSA lecture hall: Alexandr Petrov -> Poster sessione (October 2)
Tuesday October 3
Room SISSA D: Andrea Perali -> Room Budinich (October 5)
Wedenesday October 4
Room Budinich: Denis Arčon -> Room Budinich (October 5)
Thursday October 5
Room Budinich: Francesca Giusti -> Room Budinich (October 4)
Room Budinich: Emmanuele Cappelluti -> Room Budinich (October 5)
Monday October 2
Room Euler: Alessia Cedola (High resolution X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography applied to the investigation of Alzheimer disease)
Room Sissa lecture Hall: Bruce Davidson (Deterministic and robust room–temperature exchange coupling in monodomain multiferroic BiFeO3 heterostructures)
Room Euler: Ljiljana Fruk (Clickable Molecular Systems for Design of Bio-hybrid Materials)
Room Euler: Simone Capaccioli (Vibrational dynamics of biomolecules embedded in glassy matrices )
Room Sissa D: Costanza Toninelli (Quantum technologies with photostable molecule on-chip )
Tuesday October 3
Room Sissa D: Giacomo Mazza (Energy transport in correlated meta-materials)
Room Euler: Nicolò Defenu (Criticality in Quantum Long Range Systems)
Room Infolab: Pasquale Pagliusi (In situ molecular-level picture of receptor-ligand interaction at interfaces)
Wedenesday October 4
Room Budinich: Carlo Di Castro (Charge order and its role in the physics of cuprates)
Thursday October 5
Room Sissa A: Daniele Sanvitto (Polaritons condensates: from macroscopic quantum phenomena to entanglement)
New submissions
Monday October 2
Room Euler: Tatiana Da Ros (Emerging carbon nanostructures: great potentialities in biomedical applications)
Wedenesday October 4
Room Budinich: Andrey Varlamov (Fluctuation Spectroscopy: from Rayleigh-Jeans Waves to Abrikosov Vortex Clusters)
Thursday October 5
Room Kastler: Aldo Ugolotti (Chemisorption of Pentacene on Pt(111) with a Little Molecular Distortion)