CMD30 FisMat2023 - Submission - View

Abstract title: Spin-Triplet Topological Excitonic Insulators in Two-dimensional Materials
Submitting author: Huaiyuan Yang
Affiliation: Peking University
Affiliation Address: Beijing 100871, P. R. China
Country: China
Other authors and affiliations: Jiaxi Zeng, State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, Frontier Science Center for Nano-optoelectronics and School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China Yuelin Shao, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, P. R. China Yuanfeng Xu, Center for Correlated Matter, School of Physics, Zhejiang University, No.866, Yuhangtang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China Xi Dai, Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon 999077, Hong Kong Xin-Zheng Li, State Key Laboratory for Artificial Microstructure and Mesoscopic Physics, Frontier Science Center for Nano-optoelectronics and School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China
Quantum spin-hall insulator (QSHI) processes nontrivial topology. We notice that the electronic structures of some particular QSHIs are favorable for realization of excitonic insulators (EIs). Using first-principles many-body perturbation theory (GW+BSE) and kp model, we show that high-temperature (T) topological EIs with unlike spin can exist in such QSHIs with non-vanishing band gaps, e.g. 2D AsO and Mo2TiC2O2. Spin-triplet type EI phase induced by strong electron-hole interaction preserves time-reversal symmetry and the topological characteristics. A novel optical selection rule exists, upon going through the phase transition from the normal QSHIs to the topological EIs, absorption spectroscopy shows pronounced T-dependent changes, providing guidance for future experimental detections. The demonstrated coupling between EIs and topology also means that rich physics exists in such materials which retain such interdisciplinary features.