CMD30 FisMat2023 - Submission - View

Abstract title: Hidden excitonic quantum states with broken time reversal symmetry
Submitting author: Giacomo Mazza
Affiliation: University of Pisa
Affiliation Address: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Pisa, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3
Country: Italy
Other authors and affiliations: Marco Polini, University of Pisa.
The physical manifestations of the state of matter known as excitonic insulator strongly depend on the degrees of freedom it couples with. For instance, the excitonic instability in a crystalline system may result in a distortion of the charge density whose coupling with the ionic degrees of freedom can mask the nature of the excitonic insulator.In this seminar, I will discuss how a dichotomic manifestation of the symmetry breaking underlying an excitonic phase transition can be engineered to stabilise a purely orbital time-reversal symmetry broken (TRSB) hidden quantum state in a two-dimensional (2D) material. I will show the formation of the TRSB state driven by a self-generated flux which sustains equilibrium orbital currents issuing from the excitonic instability. The transition to the TRSB excitonic state is controlled by means of engineered geometrical constraints which, in a cylindrical geometry, enable coupling between the excitonic order parameter and free space electromagnetic field. I will discuss implication of these results for the stabilization of exotic TRSB states in quantum materials and the disentangling of coupled excitonic and structural transitions.