
Proposer Title
Biophysics and medical applications of physics
Paolo Mariani The G-quadruplexes, beyond biology
Antonella Battisti 50 years of SIBPA: a journey through the molecules of life
Tatjana Skrbic Data Driven versus Coarse-Grained approaches in Protein Folding: where are we and where are we going?
Nenad Pavin Mechanobiology of cell division and transport
Giulia Maffeis Diffuse optical spectroscopy for biological tissues
Complex systems
Mikko Alava Physics of avalanche phenomena
Stefano Bonetti Complexity in quantum matter
Rosa Lopez Fundamental bounds in nano engines
Fundamental Condensed Matter
Hope Bretscher Two-dimensional excitonic insulators
Juan Archilla (LONE2023) Localized Nonlinear Excitations in Condensed Matter. Experiments and theory.
Gregor Jotzu Coherent Dynamics in Quantum Materials
Gianguido Baldinozzi Tuning materials properties through controlled disorder
Serghei Klimin Quantum gases as analogues of condensed matter systems
Claudio Giannetti Hybrid Quantum Simulators for condensed matter physics problems
Domenico Di Sante Kagome metals: recent breakthroughs and future perspectives
Michael Ruggenthaler Cavity-modified material properties
Simone Felicetti Unconventional light-matter interactions: ultrastrong/parametric couplings and advanced quantum control
Andrea Amoretti Effective Theories for Condensed Matter
Antonija Grubisic-Cabo Advanced photoemission studies of 2D and quantum materials
Joseph Betouras Fermi surface topological transitions: effects of interactions
Luca Cipelletti Driven amorphous solids: linking microscopic structure and dynamics to mechanical properties
Igor Yurkevich Strongly Disordered Systems
Low dimensional materials
Carlo Grazianetti Xenes: two-dimensional synthetic materials beyond graphene
Simona Achilli Design, synthesis and applications of novel 2D and 1D carbon materials
Camilla Coletti Graphene qubits
Jagoda Sławińska 2D materials for spintronics
Antia Botana Ferroic and multiferroic van der Waals materials
Alexander Zyuzin Engineered topological correlated states in hybrid quantum systems
Alberto Crepaldi Femtosecond Photoemission Spectroscopy in Charge Ordered Materials
Klaus Ensslin Quantum devices in twisted graphene layers
Giancarlo Panaccione Emerging properties in 2D magnetic materials: single and multilayered heterostructures
José J. Baldoví Novel 2D magnetic materials and heterostructures
Nano and Functional materials
Daniele M. Trucchi Materials & Devices for Solar and Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion
Bernardo Almeida New Physics Concepts for Energy and Environmental Nanomaterials
Denys Makarov Curvilinear condensed matter
Gianluca Rastelli Nanomechanical and electromechanical systems
Alberto Tagliaferri New perspectives in electron microscopy for condensed matter Physics
Silvia Picozzi New trends in ferroelectricity
Maria Chamarro Halide perovskites advances, new challenges and perspectives
Riccardo Rurali Heat transport in solids
Milena Majkic Ion beam induced morphological alteration of materials: experiments, theoretical models and simulations
Francesco Rossella Nanodevice Iontronics
Paolo Milani New insights on emerging materials and concepts for neuromorphic computing
Linda Angela Zotti Charge transport in molecules and biosystems at different scales: going beyond traditional electronics
Carsten Henkel Photodeformable polymer films: materials, methods, models, applications
Davide Sangalli Exciton dynamics and transport in quantum materials
Alberto Scaccabarozzi New frontiers of organic electronics
Plasma physics
Daniela Grasso Italian Plasma Physics
Soft and glassy matter
Laurence Ramos Soft matter and environmental challenges
Philip Born Scattering and Light Propagation in Disordered Soft Matter
Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy Nonequilibrium phenomena and superconductor 3D nanoarchitectures
Chandan Setty Phonon driven superconductivity: Anharmonicity and Soft modes
Matteo Carrega Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices for quantum technology applications
Roberto Lo Conte Magnet/superconductor hybrids for quantum information science and technology
Gianluigi Catelani Mesoscopic superconductivity and quantum circuits
Surfaces and Interfaces
Gianlorenzo Bussetti microscopic investigation of the solid/liquid interface
Carola Meyer Molecularly functionalized low-dimensional systems
Mikołaj Lewandowski Molecules at surfaces
Wilhelm Auwärter Molecular imaging and exploration of chemical reactions by scanning probe microscopy techniques
Other topics
Giovanni Maria Vanacore Quantum Control of Electrons for Advanced Microscopies and Spectroscopies, 2023 SMART-electron Event.
Giuseppe Maruccio National and European infrastructures for Magnetism and Superconductivity - Status, Research and Opportunities
Andrea Piovano Neutrons scattering in condensed matter physics